Joyful Motherhood in a Rural Family - C.223 - 221: Ms. Zhao Eyes Silver with Envy, Sisi Stops Any Opposition

Joyful Motherhood in a Rural Family

C.223 - 221: Ms. Zhao Eyes Silver with Envy, Sisi Stops Any Opposition

Chapter 223: Chapter 221: Ms. Zhao Eyes Silver with Envy, Sisi Stops Any Opposition

This frustrating feeling of having energy with nowhere to exert it made it hard for him to fall asleep.

That night, Father Di didn抰 leave until very late.

Liu Sisi and Di Xuan supported him back to the old house, where they were naturally greeted by a barrage of scolding from Ms. Zhao.

Ms. Zhao now seemed to be on a roll!

If anyone in the old house could suppress these sprightly individuals, it was naturally old man Di!

But with old man Di抯 illness, not only can he not maintain order, he can抰 even speak clearly, eats slowly, and needs help to walk, losing more and more respect.

Moreover, with Di Ah-Bao抯 rushed wedding preparation, everyone was busy, so all the family抯 money naturally fell into Ms. Zhao抯 hands.

Ms. Zhao, who was naturally sharp-tongued, couldn抰 help but beam with joy at such good fortune.

However, her daughter-in-law抯 status was something she couldn抰 show, causing her excitement to be somewhat dampened.

She didn抰 dare to openly trample on people, but spared no effort in indirect insults.

Such as right now!

揑s there no one to do the housework? The food grain is still piled up without anyone to manage it. Are we planning to starve in this winter? The new daughter-in-law will be coming soon, but no one is taking care of all the household chores. Are you planning to make me, an old woman, do everything?厰

Ms. Zhao stood under the eaves and cursed, while Di Gaoyuan抯 family hid inside the house, poking their heads out to watch, looking as if they were enjoying a good show.

The smuggest one of all had to be Di Ah-Bao!

Despite having gauze wrapped around his neck, he was sitting at the entrance of the left wing room, happily whistling.

Seeing the people returning, he didn抰 even budge.

Usually, after the grain was dried, it was Di Yelei who stored it. This year, with Di Yelei injured, the grain was still piled in the hall.

What upset Ms. Zhao the most was that Ah-Bao抯 wedding was almost here, but the house showed no signs of preparation, they didn抰 even buy the necessary red cloth, so how could she not be flustered and angry?

The more Ms. Zhao thought about it, the angrier she got, and the smoother her cursing became: 搮.You lazy pigs! All you know is eating! And when you go out it抯 for a whole day. Do you think this is an inn? If it抯 so good outside, stay outside and don抰 come back. Seeing you just makes me angry 厰

The more she thought, the angrier she got, and the harsher her scolding became!

Liu Sisi stepped forward to interject, but someone grabbed her sleeve.

She looked back and saw her father-in-law shaking his head at her with a weary expression: 揃e careful! The road is slippery厃ou卻hould単o back卐arly.

Seeing her father-in-law shivering in the autumn wind, Liu Sisi swallowed back her rebuttal to Ms. Zhao.

Her words would only bring trouble to her father-in-law if she argued with Ms. Zhao just to feel good for a moment.

After a brief thought, regarding the brown-nosing look from Ms. Zhao, she simply smiled: 揊ather, this money is what Yelei left for you. If you have nothing to do, just buy some snacks as pocket expenses, don抰 be reluctant to spend it. Although it抯 not much, it at least represents Yelei抯 kindness. Father, please keep it.

During the speech, Liu Sisi took out 2 taels of silver from her arms and forcefully stuffed them into Elderly Mr. Di抯 hand.

揟hird Child抯 daughter-in-law厰

Old man Di was taken aback and stubbornly pushed it back: 揟hird Child抯 injury卬eeds money厃ou keep it厰

揊ather, this is the retirement money from Ye Lei for you. Sisi dare not embezzle it. Ye Lei also said, although he抯 injured now, he抯 a constable at least! As long as you抮e alive, this retirement money will definitely be there, so please feel free to take it!

As Liu Sisi spoke, she cast a glance at several people hiding in the dark.

It抯 more like her words were meant for those hiding in the dark than for Elderly Mr. Di. As long as Elderly Di is alive, the retirement money will naturally be there! With silver to flaunt, even these money-eyed people will care about Father抯 life and wouldn抰 neglect him.

Ye Lei was even willing to give Old Man Li 2 taels of silver, even if he knew that she had given 2 taels to Father, he wouldn抰 get angry.

Ms. Zhao, with her mouth wide open, wanted to continue scolding but, between opening and closing it, saw Liu Sisi glanced at her and quickly lowered her head without speaking.

揊ather, let Sisi and Xuan抏r help you inside.

After Liu Sisi finished speaking, she didn抰 care about the expressive faces of the crowd and, together with Xuan抏r, helped Elderly Di into the bedroom.

揊ather! Although Sisi said that deliberately for them to hear, it also truly reflects Ye Lei抯 intentions. Keep this silver carefully, everyone has ailments, you need to keep some silver for self-protection.

Elderly Mr Di shivered for quite a while, turned his face to the side, continually murmuring a word to himself.

揋ood! Good, good厰

Watching the few people shrinking their heads outside the window, Liu Sisi sighed, raising her hand to touch the back of Xuan抏r抯 head.

揕et抯 go! It抯 getting late, we should go home.

After that, she quietly walked out of the room and closed the door.

Outside the room, Ms. Zhao was shrank in the autumn night wind, keeping her hands inside her sleeves, awkwardly smiling at Liu Sisi and her son. The night wind messed up her hair, the flickering oil lamp抯 light left her silhouette alternately bright and dark.

揝isi! I was scolding Ah-Bao! He doesn抰 listen at all, running around all day, I厰

Liu Sisi didn抰 stop upon hearing Ms. Zhao speak, instead continued walking forward, still holding Xuan抏r抯 hand.

Ms. Zhao took steps forward following them.

Having no other option, Liu Sisi had to stop: 揗other-in-law, it抯 getting late, Sisi won抰 disturb you to rest, I抣l take Xuan抏r home.

Ms. Zhao was startled!

She hurriedly stretched out her arm to stop Liu Sisi: 揥ait a moment! From Third Son抯 family, look at me, I Ah-Bao within this house is about to get married厰

揅ongratulations to little brother. Mother-in-law can rest assured. Although Ye Lei was injured by my younger sister and broke two ribs, with no good flesh left on his entire back. But Ruo Ning is Ruo Ning, Ah Bao is Ah Bao, Ye Lei and Sisi won抰 blur the lines. On the wedding day, even if he抯 carried in, daughter-in-law will have Ye Lei come to congratulate little brother抯 big wedding.

This way everyone can see what kind of state your precious daughter has left her Third Brother in!

There was a light smile on Liu Sisi抯 face, but in her eyes, there was a cold gleam!

Ms. Zhao evidently also realized this, the corner of her mouth twitching slightly, she hurriedly waved both hands like a drum.

揘o no no, don抰 need He doesn抰 need to come, a gift is enough.

揥hat? Mother-in-law, you don抰 want Ye Lei to come and congratulate Ah Bao抯 big wedding? Liu Sisi raised an eyebrow.

Ms. Zhao also realized her words were wrong and hastily explained.

揑t抯 not like that, I I mean Third Brother抯 injuries are heavy His condition isn抰 suitable for movement, let him rest at home! Yes, that抯 it, it抯 better for him to rest.

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