Joyful Motherhood in a Rural Family - C.222 - 220: Father Di visits the sick, Father-son affection is strong

Joyful Motherhood in a Rural Family

C.222 - 220: Father Di visits the sick, Father-son affection is strong

Chapter 222: Chapter 220: Father Di visits the sick, Father-son affection is strong.

He was only sick, not stupid!

Since Ruo Ning wasn抰 his biological child, she was spoiled and pampered since she was little. She was always fearful of being bumped or injured, attracting gossip and attention. They kept her close and gave her all the best food and drink, which eventually developed in her a selfish, self-serving nature.

Ah-Bao was spoiled by Ms. Zhao, and had never seriously accomplished anything by his twenties.

On the contrary, Third Child had been through hardships since he was little. He endured much more suffering and had to swallow his blood along with the pain of his knocked-out teeth.

揊ather, Ye Lei! There抯 plenty of time to talk. It抯 more important to take care of your health. Let抯 eat first and then talk slowly.

Liu Sisi had just scooped out rabbit meat from the kitchen and happily placed it on the side table, followed by Di Xuan holding vegetables.

This small table was originally placed in the kitchen, but it was moved here to facilitate Di Yelei抯 meal.

As Liu Sisi set the meal, she happily said, 揑 was just about to have Xuan抏r bring food to you, Father. It抯 a good thing you抮e here ourselves, saving us the back-and-forth. Here, Father, let Sisi help you sit down.

Pretending not to notice the teary-eyed siblings, Liu Sisi carefully helped the Elderly Mr. Di to sit down in the superior position.

She carefully passed the cooked dishes and even spooned some soup into a small bowl, and also picked up some easy-to-chew rabbit meat.

揊ather, please eat. There抯 plenty more here.

As Liu Sisi was speaking, she poured more soup and picked up more meat for Di Yelei, handing him a bowl of rice. Di Yelei had injured his back, so sleeping had not been comfortable for him. Although he was stubborn about eating on his own, it was quite difficult.

揦uan抏r and YingEr, they厰

Elderly Mr. Di was still worried about his two young grandsons.

揋randfather, you eat first. Xuan抏r and YingEr will be here in a moment.

While they were talking, Di Xuan placed a serving of steamed egg custard in front of Elderly Mr. Di: 揋randfather, this egg custard is soft and easy to swallow. It抯 perfect for you since your teeth are not good.

Di Xuan displayed a bit of Di Yelei抯 demeanor at this moment!

He already looked 70-80% similar to Di Yelei. After a few months of learning, he抯 even developed an air of scholarly elegance. Wearing a blue cloth short outfit, he stood with grace at the lower end, gazing straight at his grandfather.

At a glance, Elderly Mr. Di couldn抰 help but mistake him for a younger Di Yelei and whispered, 揟hird child厰

揊ather! That抯 your grandson, Di Xuan. Don抰 you recognize him?

Di Yelei抯 heart ached, and his hand trembled as he reached for the chopsticks.

His feeble father, who had difficulty even walking, was a shadow of his former strong, powerful self. Now he couldn抰 even recognize people. How could Di Yelei not feel sad?

Elderly Mr. Di stared for a long time before finally nodding, 揧ou look like your brother when he was little厰

Liu Sisi also laughed, 揜ight? You抮e absolutely correct, Father. Many people say that Xuan抏r looks just like Yelei when he was little, like a carbon copy. But they say he looks even more like his Eldest Uncle. I haven抰 met him, so I don抰 know if he really does.

揌e does look like Hongyuan, he厰

Upon mentioning this topic, Elderly Mr. Di suddenly stopped speaking. Back then, Hongyuan opposed his father抯 marriage to Ms. Zhao, so he left home in a huff and never kept in touch. Now, it seemed that Hongyuan had foresight. Since Ms. Zhao entered Di Family, they had never lived in peace for even a day.

He fell silent for a moment, then slowly began eating with his bamboo chopsticks.

Once he started eating, Liu Sisi realized that his left side was the disobedient one. His left hand shook terribly when he tried to support the bowl, but his right hand was still quite agile.

揗om! Mom, is the food ready yet? YingEr is hungry! Mom, YingEr is home!

YingEr抯 voice rang out outside, accompanied by the low, whining pleas of Ah-Huang and Ah-Hua, and they quickly rushed into the kitchen.

After looking around, she didn抰 find anything. She immediately crawled out and asked, 揌uh? Where did everyone go? Mom棗 As she was speaking, footsteps quickly approached the inner room.

揟his child is becoming more and more unruly.

Liu Sisi shook her head with a smile and added another bowl of rice.

揝ister, lower your voice. What抯 all the shouting about? Grandfather is in the inner room.

Di Xuan who went to greet her scolded, and soon there was no more noise outside.

Not long after, the siblings appeared at the entrance, one behind the other.

YingEr has become even more adorable, sweetly smiling at Elderly Mr. Di, she blurted out, 揋randfather, are you here to see my father? YingEr didn抰 know Grandfather was coming, otherwise, I would have helped you over here.

Her words amused everyone in the room.

揌urry up and wash your hands and come eat, just look at how dirty your little hands are! Liu Sisi quickly said.

揂lright, Mom! This is the medicine Uncle Zhang prepared for Dad, and I brought it back. I抣l leave it here.

As she was speaking, she casually placed the bottle in her hand on the bedside cabinet, 揋randfather, my father抯 injuries are very severe, there抯 hardly a patch of unbruised skin on his back. Looking at his injuries, YingEr feels pain for father厰

揧ingEr, hurry up and wash your hands. Liu Sisi interrupted her.

揂lright, Mom. As expected, Di Ying quickly left.

Though she left, she made everyone in the room silent.

Elderly Mr. Di moved his mouth and sighed for quite a while before reluctantly saying, 揜uoning Third Child, it抯 your father抯 fault for being useless, unable to-avenge you! Father厰

For a moment, he couldn抰 say anything more.

揇ad! Stop talking like that! The situation is not something that can be explained in a few words You厰

Di Yelei clearly didn抰 know what to say either.

揇ad, let抯 just let bygones be bygones. After all, Ruo Ning is my little sister and she抯 pregnant. Anyway, they抮e just superficial injuries, I抣l be fine after recovering. Let抯 talk about the rest after my wounds are completely healed and my sister has given birth.

Di Yelei抯 words were clear if they were going to discuss anything, it would have to wait until Di Ruoning had given birth.

揥hat superficial injuries? Didn抰 Dad also break two ribs? Di Ying quickly washed her hands and came back just in time to hear this and promptly retorted.

Her words immediately changed Elderly Mr. Di抯 complexion!

Apparently, he had broken two ribs, and everyone had kept it from him! No wonder his always strong Third Child was bedridden.

揝uperficial injuries are fine, eat eat!

Elderly Mr. Di couldn抰 help but shed tears, burying his head and continued to eat, tears mixing with his rice.

The others exchanged glances, pretending not to see. The meal ended without any further discussion.

After dinner, Elderly Mr. Di didn抰 leave but instead curled up in front of the sickbed and dozed off.

Di Yelei felt somewhat helpless, knowing that his father抯 health was deteriorating and that he was more and more unwelcome in the old house. On top of the issue with Di Ah-bao, he had almost fallen out with Ms. Zhao and her son, and food was often withheld from him.

He wanted to take his father home to live with him, but according to the village抯 customs, his father shouldn抰 live with him regardless of his family抯 arrangements.

The sourc𝗲 of this content is fre(e)novelkiss

