Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl - C.325 - – Preparing to Cause Trouble

Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

C.325 - – Preparing to Cause Trouble

Chapter 325: Chapter 325 – Preparing to Cause Trouble

Translator: 549690339

After getting a rough idea of the location, Jiang Xiaobai started questioning Qin Nianxue and Xiao Yu.

It has to be said, having a good look does have its benefits, the way Xiao Yu treated Jiang Xiaobai was entirely different from how she treated AnRan.

She was exceptionally enthusiastic towards Jiang Xiaobai, which made AnRan feel gloomy sitting in the boat.

It didn’t take long for Jiang Xiaobai to find out about the situation, which left him astonished.

Man, the ancient tribe was indeed playing big.

The bounty on Jiang Xiaobai was dispatched across the entire Eastern Central Territory. By now, everyone in the Central Territory knew about him.

That’s why his prestige kept skyrocketing.

When your reputation goes up, so does your prestige.

Jiang Xiaobai knew about the bounty, and he also knew about the internal situation of Sword Sea Sect in detail.

It was similar to Wuhai Academy, such as the scripture storage building, the treasure building, etc. The way to enter was almost the same. Knowing this, Jiang Xiaobai felt that his plan was feasible.

He had many ways to infiltrate. He could even disguise himself completely.

Worst case scenario, he’d just leave quickly after causing a scene. What could they do?

Moreover, most of the skilled fighters of Sword Sea Sect were now in the Mad Demon Secret Land. It would take a while for them to come back. Even at full speed, it would take them three days to return.


“This is definitely doable. Boss, I’ll go and bring two people over right now, get their clothes and badges and everything. After finishing the task, we’ll just leave.”

AnRan excitedly said, “Anyway, we are already sworn enemies with Sword Sea Sect. It is reasonable to mess with them.”

Of course, those were exactly Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts too.

But isn’t it a bit inappropriate to say this in front of Sword Sea Sect disciples?

Seeming to realize this, AnRan’s expression was slightly awkward, and the way he looked at Qin Nianxue became dangerous.

It seemed like he was thinking ‘Capture them first and talk later’.

But at that moment, Jiang Xiaobai said, “It’s fine, Nianxue is considered one of us.”

“There’s no need to worry.” 𝑓𝘳𝑒𝑒𝘸𝑒𝒷𝓃𝘰𝓋𝑒𝑙.𝒸𝘰𝑚

Qin Nianxue blushed and retorted, “Jiang Xiaobai, isn’t this a bit wrong? After all, we’re Sword Sea Sect disciples too.”

“So what? If you don’t speak up, and I don’t speak up, who would know?”

Xiao Yu hurriedly excitedly said, “Don’t you think it’s thrilling? Anyway, we didn’t do it.”


AnRan laughed, “You’ve got impressive thoughts for a young lass. I like that. Just for that, if you ever have trouble in Sword Sea Sect, come find me. I’ll show you the ropes!”

Xiao Yu rolled her eyes at AnRan, then calmly said, “We can help you guys divert attention. How about that? You don’t have to give much, just hand over your communication tokens.”

Jiang Xiaobai felt a headache coming on. This girl was acting completely rebellious.

Didn’t she care at all about her status as a Sword Sea Sect disciple?

She not only avoided reporting them, but she also wanted to help them make a scene. If Sword Sea Sect knew about this, her future would be grim.

Jiang Xiaobai was never the kind that liked involving innocent people, so he shook his head immediately.

“It’s not necessary. You two absolutely cannot get involved in this.”

“It’s settled then. You two just stay here on this boat, pretend that nothing happened and you don’t know anything. No one will investigate you.”

Having said that, Jiang Xiaobai gave AnRan a look and, without wasting any further words, they jumped into the lake one after the other.

Such quick and decisive action left Xiao Yu feeling wronged.

“Hold on! Why not have a little more conversation? Handsome guys like him aren’t easy to come by, why let him escape!”

“Nianxue, you know Jiang Xiaobai, why can’t you put in a good word for me?”

Nianxue just shook her head with a resigned smile on her face.

Being best friends with Xiao Yu, she knew that Xiao Yu only cared for handsome guys.

“Okay, stop complaining. The things that they have to do are dangerous, and it’s a special situation now, you shouldn’t disturb them.”

“Don’t make trouble for them. If we two juniors get involved, it would cause big trouble.”

Hearing Qin Nianxue’s words, Xiao Yu also realised the gravity of the situation. The best thing for her to do at this moment was to pretend to know nothing.

After all, missing such a handsome guy was indeed a pity.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yu, who had initially brought her good friend out to cheer her up, became the one needing to be comforted.

Meanwhile, Qin Nianxue, who was relieved to know that Jiang Xiaobai was in a good situation, felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her heart and she could finally relax.

The roles of the two girls had changed completely. That’s the wonder of life.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan silently made their way towards a nearby building. Two disciples happened to be passing by.

Listening to the conversation, it seemed like they were discussing something.

Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan looked at each other, and a wicked grin appeared on both their faces.

“Brother, do you suspect that we have a chance at the scriptures this time?”

“Stop fantasizing, they are meant for the inner disciples, we outer disciples will only get an opportunity if we win the first place in the martial art competition.”

“Yeah, it’s unfortunate. We can never obtain those treasures and opportunities from the scripture.”

The two of them sighed and walked on.

Little did they know that after crossing the corner, they were suddenly hit by a long, black rod.

The impact knocked them out even before they had a chance to defend themselves.

Then Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan expertly dragged them away. In no time, both of them had completely disguised themselves and walked out casually wearing the costumes of outer disciples of Sword Sea Sect.

As soon as they stepped out, their target was clear — head straight towards the treasure house.

Every disciple had the opportunity to enter and view the treasures. To exchange for a treasure from inside, one needed sector points.

But well, exchanging wasn’t Jiang Xiaobai’s style.

The two of them casually walked towards the treasure house, looking like ordinary outer disciples hanging out together. No one paid any attention to them.

However, on the way, Jiang Xiaobai turned his attention towards a particular place where many people were gathered. They wondered what was going on, but the place was buzzing with energy.

After looking at each other, they saw the sparkle in each other’s eyes.

“Let’s go, let’s check it out.”

Jiang Xiaobai said that and walked towards the gathered crowd with AnRan. They were here to stir up trouble. If they didn’t liven things up, how could it be called stirring up trouble?

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