Subscriber of the Gods - C.84: The Wrong Encounter

Subscriber of the Gods

C.84: The Wrong Encounter


After hearing the story, Etting looked at Ethan.

How on earth do you come up with things like this?

Ettings nickname, Money Ghost, was because she had tried all kinds of money-smelling businesses and made them successful.

But Etting didnt come up with these kinds of business ideas alone.

Every morning, she would put her head together with the merchants who worked with her and talk about the businesses they were currently operating and new businesses.

And by compiling the information they brought, she would also buy up other peoples already successful businesses.

Thats how she succeeded in all her businesses.

On top of that, she had a solid safety device called the David Merchant Guild.

With the David Merchant Guilds name at stake, she was building trust to some extent.

Thats why this bold item was so surprising.

Whats more surprising than just the idea is that youve made detailed plans to the point where you can start running the actual business right away.

Anyone could come up with a brilliant idea. But there werent many people who not only came up with an idea but also put it into action.

Ethan was one of those few people.

The fact that you brought this to me means youve already identified that theres demand for it, right? Then you must already have it made?

I havent made it yet, but it will be made soon.

Thank you for choosing me.

A confident tone.

Etting could only say thank you.

Because he had chosen her from among the merchants he had mentioned.

Its still too early to be thankful. If I just wanted to sell something new, I wouldnt have come looking for you.

The main point started now.

Mrs. Etting, you already knew that with you, this business would definitely succeed. You came to see me in the early stages of my business to confirm that possibility with your own eyes.

However, for some reason, the scale of this business was small.

I dont know the details of the internal situation, but the scale is a bit small. With your authority, an officer, you could have made it bigger

Ethan pointed to the Lightweight Workshop.

Etting nodded.

Thats right. I was originally going to make it bigger.

It doesnt look like you made it smaller just to reduce risk. It looks to me like someone else didnt believe in this business and reduced their support.


An officer-level person would invest properly when starting a new business. And invest with confidence if its a business theyre confident about. But the fact that they opposed means either the owner of the Merchant Guild intervened, or.

Ethan spoke with a confident voice.

Someone among the officers must have interfered..

Etting fell silent.

It was exactly as Ethan said. Because of Kimmel, they had to scale down the original plans.

There was no choice because he had a tight grip on the funding from that side. Even if they tried to talk to the Merchant Guild owner, Kimmel was the brother of the Merchant Guild owner.

If thats the case, interference will come in every business you do as an officer from now on. The person who stopped this business will stop every other one too.

The business was successful.

Thats the problem. Perhaps that person thought it would fail, but it succeeded. It must be completely out of his expectations. Even if it succeeded, it should have been a failure.

But how do you change something thats already successful?

Ethan laughed at Ettings words mixed with sighs.

This business was something that any insightful merchant should never oppose. But he opposed it. In other words, that person is not a merchant.

Not being a merchant meant there was no need to even keep the merchants morals.

Regardless of how much money you make or lose, they will try to get rid of you with unconscionable behavior. Mrs. Etting. Whether you make a lot of money or your business succeeds or fails.

No way.

At Ethans words, Etting shook her head as if to say there was no way. But at the same time, doubts began to arise in her mind.

Ethan noticed what was in her heart.

Ettings future has already changed. Because she succeeded with the new business, Lightweight Workshop. But in the original future, Etting leaves David Merchant Guild before long. Because of that stupid officer.

Among David Merchant Guilds officers, there was a most brutish guy.

He was jealous of Ettings talent as a fellow officer, and eventually made her leave the Merchant Guild somehow.

That will happen a little sooner now. With the success of this business.

It was truly ironic.

She succeeded in the business, but instead of being rewarded for it, she was kicked out of the Merchant Guild.

But that preposterous thing was bound to happen.

She does later succeed in returning to the Merchant Guild and getting revenge.

The owner of David Merchant Guild was not a particularly wise figure either.

It was his father, the former owner of the Merchant Guild, who grew the Merchant Guild, not himself.

But theres no need to leave and come back in. She can aim for the owners seat of David Merchant Guild right now by persevering here.

There was no need to leave, she could compete to directly aim for the owners seat of the Merchant Guild.

Etting had the ability to do that, and if she added his item to her ability, it was quite possible.

What do you think about definitively pushing out the person who hates you? And going even higher after that?

Ethan spoke in a confident tone.

With the business item I mentioned.

Looks like he knew everything when he said it.

Isnt Officer Kimmels nonsense famous in our Merchant Guild?

Etting and her subordinates talked about what had just happened. Ethan, who she thought had come lightly, had given her food for thought.

Putting that aside, is there any reason to reject this?

At Ettings words, her subordinates thought for a while and then shook their heads.

There is absolutely no reason. Rather, we should bow our heads to Sir Ethan and make requests.

Officer Kimmel will definitely try to drive you out. And the Merchant Guild Owner will probably help or turn a blind eye.

If the Lightweight Workshop business had succeeded on a larger scale, your foothold within the Merchant Guild would have been shaken.

In fact, Sir Ethan is trying to pull us out of the swamp.

In that case, this was as good as owing him.

One might think that was the end of it if you didnt accept it, but Etting was a merchant.

It was natural to move toward where money could be made.

He even properly created a justification.

No matter how much I think about it, Sir Ethan has the blood of a merchant running through him. To present such a new method to us despite his lack of experience

If he did this instinctively, he has a high chance of becoming a tycoon.

Etting nodded.

Thats right. But I think hell turn out to be someone more impressive than just a tycoon.

Meticulous plans, grand ambitions.

He was not a figure who would end up as a tycoon.

Etting looked at the private note Ethan had left behind.

More shocking words were written there.

The ultimate goal.

There was a question about Ettings ultimate goal.

Naturally, there was only one ultimate goal.

Could he have thought that far ahead?

He was startling in many ways.

Returning to the academy, Ethan moved briskly.

Teacher Ethan.

Ethan was choosing a lecture room to prepare for the parents observation class.

The existing lecture halls alone could accommodate 75 people in a spacious lecture hall, but for this parents observation class, far more people were expected to attend, so a larger lecture hall was needed.

He intended to borrow the largest lecture hall in the academy so that as many parents and academy officials could see it as possible.

Someone called out to such an Ethan.

Its Teacher Martynas.

It was one of the original Swordsmanship Department teachers he had greeted at the congratulatory party.

Where are you going? I was wondering if we could talk for a while if you have time.

Im a little distracted trying to find a lecture hall to use for the parents observation class this time. Whats the matter?

As Ethan nodded, Martynass expression completely changed. A serious expression appeared on the formerly gentle face.

Teacher Ethan. Rumors about you are not very good.

As Ethan stood still, Martynas continued.

Ive heard you not only use corporal punishment but also dont properly teach students Revinade swordsmanship. Thats a violation of school regulations, Teacher. And Ive also heard that instead of proper classes, you teach strange things.

Martynas shook his head firmly.

You crossed the line, Teacher Ethan.

Martynas spoke as if it were something serious, but Ethan did not respond much to him. Seeing such Ethan, Martynas snorted and whispered to Ethan.

Other Swordsmanship Department teachers are not favorably inclined towards you, Teacher Ethan. Right now, Teacher Ethan seems more like a private tutor for the high nobility than someone teaching for the academy and the students.

No matter how noble are you from a local noble family, this is an academy. Its not intended for entering noble families and advancing ones career.

Perhaps I didnt know enough.

As Ethan came out in a calm posture, Martynas smiled slyly and spoke to Ethan in an undertone.

I can help a bit. Whats better than having a senior on your side? Especially, Claudie Hyde is particularly concerned about this matter.

Martynas emphasized the name Claudie Hyde. Claudie was a teacher with significant influence not only in the Swordsmanship Department but throughout the Ivecar Academy.

The fact that such a teacher viewed Ethan unfavorably meant that Ethan could potentially be marginalized within the academy.

Seeing Ethans expression stiffen, Martynas patted Ethans shoulder lightly.

Its okay. I came to help you with this directly.

Martynas, who had become more relaxed in his tone, spoke to Ethan.

Do the parent observation class as I suggest this time. The impact is crucial. If you want to do a class with a significant impact that everyone will acknowledge, well an outdoor observation class should be fine. An outdoor observation class! That would be good. Everyone else will be able to see it, and theyll acknowledge Professor Ethan.

An outdoor class? Isnt that risky? The principal wont allow it.

Why bother about that? Everyone is eager to somehow penalize the professor right now. Come over here for a moment. Lets discuss this in more detail.

The moment he said that, his eyes began to shine.


In an instant, Ethans pupils clouded, reminiscent of Hollin, as Martynas Lane smirked and led him to a discreet location.

An empty classroom.

The classroom, being used for storage, was exceptionally dark.


As soon as the door opened, Martynas approached Ethan with a sly smile. Although Ethan was already weakened, he was in a state of brainwashing.

He never expected to be caught so easily.

Ethan Whiskers. From now on, you obey my orders and listen only to me.

He grabbed Ethans shoulder and turned his body so that he could see both eyes.

However, something was off.

Contrary to what should have been a glazed look from being manipulated, there was a coldness in Ethans eyes.

Second order, cant you snap out of it?

Uh, um, what?

A bewildered Martynas stepped back.

Im asking who are you using brainwashing on. This pathetic guy.

Huh. Ugh!

Martynas momentarily wore a shocked expression.

What on earth was going on?

Ethan knew his position. He clearly said he was the Second Order.

Moreover, the brainwashing didnt seem to work.

Martynas mind started to race.

And then, the conclusion.

No way. Are you someone from the Dawn Council?

Second. Who told you to act like this without thinking? What if you foolishly attempted brainwashing, and if it failed, what did you plan to do?

Only then did Martynas expression turn pale.

It was certain. The person who came from the Dawn Council was truly formidable.

Im sorry. Truly sorry. I made a big mistake.

Puzzles started to fit together in Martynass mind.

Ethan Whiskers, the head novice teacher. Everything about Ethan Whiskers didnt make sense from the beginning.

But what if this was a well-calculated move by the Dawn Council?

I didnt know you were from the Council.

Martynas, bowing deeply, didnt dare to lift his head to look at Ethan.

This whole situation must be part of the Dawn Councils plan.

That meant the possibility that Ethan Whiskers in front of him was an Apostle was high.

One of the Twelve Apostles, the core of the Dawn Council, had come directly to Ivecar.

Martynas had tried to brainwash such an Apostle, nearly thwarting his plans.

Im sorry. Truly sorry. Please forgive me!

Martynas prostrated himself, forcefully hitting his forehead on the ground.

Thunk, thunk, thunk!

Blood began to flow from his forehead, but Ethan didnt tell him to stop. Instead, he added in a chilling voice.

Do you think that is enough?


He repeated the intense headbutting. When Martynas thought he might lose consciousness, Ethans voice reached him.



Martynas tried to get up but collapsed on his knees.

Ethan was undoubtedly an Apostle. The thought that he was dealing with an Apostle from the Dawn Council seemed correct.

You pitiful fool.

Martynas was on the verge of tears.

Author's Thoughts

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