Reborn as a Noble's Son - C.237 - 236: Losing Face to Zhou Chen_1

Reborn as a Noble's Son

C.237 - 236: Losing Face to Zhou Chen_1

Chapter 237: Chapter 236: Losing Face to Zhou Chen_1

Translator: 549690339

In the family compound of the Li County Government, in the bureau-level building. At this moment, both Dong Wan and Li Lixue had come over to Nie Zhenbang’s dormitory.

At this moment, Dong Wan and Li Lixue, along with Yan Fengjiao, were all busy in the kitchen. In the living room, Lin Weimin, Chen Le, and Fan Zhenming, were all sitting on the sofa. On the coffee table, there were two special packages of Zhonghua cigarettes. Nie Zhenbang also said with a smile, “Don’t be polite. Today, there are no hierarchies among us. Let’s all be casual, just consider it a regular family gathering.”

These people had all been tested, and while their abilities to fulfill their roles remained in doubt, their loyalty was unquestioned.

Therefore, this gathering at Nie Zhenbang’s place could be considered his first real gathering with his direct subordinates in Li County.

“Director Nie, are we really going to let it go? I just can’t understand how we let Bayaer escape,” Chen Le said from the sofa, sounding somewhat agitated.

Chen Le had been under the most pressure lately. After all, in the development zone, Gao Yuanshan was still being overseen by Yan Fengjiao. Although Yang Zhengping was not aligned with Nie Zhenbang, he also did not side with Gao Yuanshan. Yang was independent, very tactful, and his goal of coming to the development zone was clear – to achieve results. Naturally, he would not support Gao Yuanshan. Therefore, Zhou Chen couldn’t interfere in the affairs of the development zone.

As for Fan Zhenming and Lin Weimin, there were no problems on their end. Bayaer, as the deputy county head in charge of education and health, did not have authority over Fan Zhenming and Lin Weimin. Hence, the two were not under much pressure. At most, other officials in Li County tried to intervene once they thought Nie Zhenbang was overthrown. However, Fan Zhenming and Lin Weimin managed to withstand.

Among all, Chen Le had it the worst, because Zhao Kunlun, the Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, who had authority over the Public Security Bureau where Chen Le worked, was present. After Nie Zhenbang left for Urumqi, Zhao Kunlun immediately came to inspect the Public Security Bureau’s work, which led to Chen Le being subtly criticized by Zhao Kunlun. If Nie Zhenbang did not return, there might have been instability in the Public Security Bureau. freewёbnoν

Therefore, it was Chen Le who was the most resentful. Seeing Chen Le’s disgruntled expression, Nie Zhenbang laughed, looked at everyone and said, “Let’s not talk about Bayaer for now. In short, what’s meant to come will always come. There’s no need to hurry.”

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang asked seriously, “Do you know why I have been unstoppable in my career and could turn the tables?”

Nie Zhenbang’s question made both Chen Le and Lin Weimin stunned. This was the first time Nie Zhenbang had brought up political struggles in front of his subordinates.

At this point, no one spoke, because everyone knew that Nie Zhenbang had more to say. Sure enough, he said, “One aspect is the background. Because I have a strong backing, with leaders above me who appreciate and protect me, nobody dares to touch me from top to bottom. That’s one aspect. But more importantly, I am in the right. Everything I do, everything I say, even if it’s not for the country or for the people, at the very least, I can live up to myself, my position, and most of the people. With the support of most people, the minority is not to be feared.”

It was the first time Nie Zhenbang publicly admitted his background. In the past, though everyone speculated about it, speculation was just speculation. Admitting it himself now, made it different.

Both Lin Weimin and Fan Zhenming seemed thoughtful, occasionally glancing at Chen Le. There was a further implication in Nie Zhenbang’s words. Chen Le’s previous remarks seemed to suggest a focus on struggle over the greater good. It was obvious that those Nie Zhenbang had criticized deserved it, but Chen Le appeared to be showing a vengeance that was unforgiving and brutal. This was why Nie Zhenbang spoke up to remind him.

At this moment, Li Lixue and the others came out of the kitchen with the last few dishes. Yan Fengjiao also said with a smile, “Leaders, dinner is ready.”

This was the most complete gathering of Nie Zhenbang’s close aides. Even Li Lixue and Dong Wan had come, which showed Nie Zhenbang’s attitude. He was completely open with these trusted aides.

At this point, there were no superiors or subordinates, and the meal was enjoyed harmoniously.

At the County Discipline Commission, Sun Kewen also dispatched a competent investigation team. On the day they arrived at the County Education Commission, all the account books related to the special education funding were confiscated. Meanwhile, the Li County Audit Bureau together with the Discipline Commission and the professionals hired from the City Construction Bureau and the City Engineering Company, started a special assessment on the investment and use of funds for the reconstruction and renovation of primary and secondary school infrastructures throughout Li County.

The investigation team of the County Discipline Commission was set up in the Armed Department Guest House.

At this moment, Huang Pingan looked desperately at the three people before him. The Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Sun Kewen, stood there with a serious and gloomy expression.

The room had been completely cleared, every corner thoroughly searched. In this room, not a single object could be found to end one’s life. It seemed that they were afraid he might commit suicide out of guilt. Huang Pingan let out a bitter smile. If he truly wanted to end his life, if he had the courage to do so, he probably wouldn’t be so corrupt in the first place.

At this moment, Huang Pingan also began to resent Nie Zhenbang a little. If Nie Zhenbang had still been in Lixian, if there hadn’t been these rumors causing all those associated with Nie’s faction to be severely suppressed, how could he have had any other thoughts? Everyone in Lixian knew about Nie, the county mayor, and his character. Corrupting the government is just asking for Nie to act against him, isn’t it?

However, Huang Pingan believed that something really happened to Nie Zhenbang. After Nie’s faction collapsed, Huang Pingan thought his chance finally had come. Now that such a good opportunity exists, being able to curry favor with Deputy Mayor Zhou, wouldn’t that brighten his future?

At this moment, Huang Pingan attributed all his corruption and degradation to Nie Zhenbang. But he failed to realize that if he had been upright and honest to start with, none of this would have happened. freēwē

In front of the table, two interrogators from the County Disciplinary Committee, one of them emotionless, finally spoke: “Huang Pingan, I won’t reiterate the Party’s policies and discipline. You know them very well. Just honestly confess. In terms of county education funding, the reconstruction and remodeling of primary and secondary schools in the entire county, the issues with the over-standardized toilets, along with other related issues, could you please explain them?”

Despite the grim situation, Huang Pingan still held some hope as he shifted his gaze uneasily. After a long pause, Huang Pingan offered a last semblance of expectation of Bayaer and Deputy Mayor Zhou. As far as Huang Pingan was concerned, Deputy Mayor Zhou had already made the first move by transferring Bayaer, the county head. So, the next move should be to save him, Huang Pingan. Even a minor position in the Municipal Education Commission would be enough.

With such thoughts in mind, Huang Pingan said in a serious tone: “About the over-standardized toilet issue, I admit I misunderstood the spirit of the instructions from the higher-ups. I am suspected of wastefully spending special funds. I propose to the organization to penalize me. However, in other matters, I am completely innocent. My party loyalty and principles can withstand the organization’s test.”


As Huang Pingan’s words fell, Sun Kewen slammed his palm onto the table. At this moment, Sun Kewen’s expression became gloomy. With his eyes wide open in anger, he glared at Huang Pingan and burst out: “Huang Pingan, you are shameless. Do you have any party loyalty or principles left? Ridiculous! Someone like you is not fit to be a Party member. You are tarnishing the Party.”

With that, an account book hit the table with a bang. Sun Kewen himself said: “Across the county, 30 over-standardized toilets have been built. Among them, 25 are in primary schools and 5 in secondary schools. According to the cost estimates in your account book, each toilet for the primary school costs RMB 60,000 each and RMB 100,000 each for the secondary schools. Here, you spent a total of two million. However, according to the evaluation of the professional cost estimator from the Construction Company of the city, the total investment for these toilets should be only one million. Where is the other one million?”

After a pause, Sun Kewen continued, “Also, over at Unity Township, the aid money for impoverished children who dropped out of school was supposed to be disbursed at the rate of RMB 500 per person per year according to the accounts of the County Education Commission. However, based on the investigation, the actual amount received by Unity Township was only RMB 380 per person. Where did the other RMB 120 per person go? Unity Township has a total of 1,100 dropouts who met the criteria for aid, which accumulated to a total of RMB 132,000. In addition, each worker in the County Education Commission received a subsidy of RMB 5,000 in the middle of this year. Where did this money come from? You can’t say it’s from higher-up’s allotments. Furthermore, five extra Audi cars were bought by the County Education Commission, costing over one million. How do you explain this? Is the Lixian Education Commission prosperous now?”

Given this amount of money, almost RMB 2.8 million out of RMB 9,172,355.40 of county education special funds is unaccounted for. Sun Kewen naturally would be angered.

At this moment, Huang Pingan went pale. Sun Kewen’s words were like daggers in his heart, making Huang Pingan’s defensive line completely crumble. He didn’t dare to mention the higher-up’s allotment. Such an issue could be verified with a simple phone call. However, the problem wasn’t that; it was the toilet project.

After a moment of silence, Huang Pingan lowered his head and said: “I admit! The aid money that was intercepted from Unity Township was used to buy new cars for the County Education Commission. Total expense for the five Audi cars was RMB 1.5 million. I accepted a kickback of RMB 100,000 from the car dealership. As for the workers at the Education Commission receiving subsidies, that money came from the special funds. However, I can personally guarantee that all the renovation of the county’s primary and secondary schools has been completed. This money was leftover.”

This statement somewhat amused and angered Sun Kewen. He retorted coldly: “Leftover money can be misused arbitrarily? This money was supposed to be used for educational matters in Lixian County, including buying desks, chairs, and teaching equipment. The money donated by entrepreneurs and ordinary people in the county was not meant for your welfare. It was supposed to be used for the children of this county to go to school. What about the toilet problem?”

At the mention of the toilet problem, Huang Pingan hesitated. He then gritted his teeth and said, “About the toilet issue, I have embezzled around one million in total. I personally gained two hundred thousand. Four hundred thousand was divided among several other leaders of the Education Commission. One hundred thousand was kept in the Education Commission’s petty cash box as a reserve for flexible funds. The last three hundred thousand… I… I gave it to Deputy County Mayor Bayaer.”

Upon hearing Huang Pingan’s words, Sun Kewen was stunned. He hadn’t expected Bayaer to be implicated at this point. Bayaer accepted a bribe of three hundred thousand in a single instance, truly audacious! Thinking about this, Sun Kewen didn’t dare to be negligent. The County Disciplinary Committee couldn’t handle this matter any longer. It could only be reported immediately. Given Nie’s character, this time around, Zhou, the deputy city mayor, was probably doomed.

PS: Sorry for the late update. My apologies. (To be continued. If you like this work, feel free to vote and comment on Your support is my greatest motivation!)

