Incompatible Interspecies Wives - C.94: Halo (5)


Ner woke up naturally from her sleep.

Judging by the temperature and brightness of the sunlight, it seemed to be around noon.

Her consciousness immediately brought forth the image of Berg.

With the simultaneous sensation of a racing heartbeat, her drowsy awareness snapped to attention.


Breathing didnt come easily. Something seemed to press softly against her heart.

The tightening sensation made it hard to breathe properly.

Ner took shallow breaths, calming the strange reaction occurring within her body.

Soon after, she took a deep breath and slowly rose from the bed.

She paused to feel the ring on her left ring finger before moving.

The camp was divided into two sections.

Naturally, Ner found herself heading towards the section where Berg was resting.


Beyond the carefully opened tent flap, Berg lay asleep.

And, of course, Arwin was there with him.


An unpleasant emotion pierced through her as if skewering her from the inside.

Without a word, she watched the two sharing warmth in their sleep.

Looking closer, she saw their fingers interlocked.

...What are they doing?

Ner whispered inwardly.

Could there be a more awkward gesture?

They werent even close yet.

If it was acting for others, she might not know.

Or if it was to display a relationship as Berg had requested, then maybe it was understandable.

But now, with no one else watching, just the two of them alone.

Why were they like that?

As if a real loving couple.

Who initiated such an act first?


Coming to the conclusion that it must have been Berg, naturally, Ner let out a sigh.

There were clearly racial characteristics that she still couldnt fully accept.

Why did the humans have a culture of polygamy?

If it werent for this nonsensical cultural aspect, she might have understood Berg more easily.

It was a culture too opposed to that of her own race.


Ners gaze fell once again to Bergs hand, fingers interlocked.

...Should she wake him up?

Would that make him let go of the hand?

It seemed time was getting on.

But then, Ner shook her head.

Berg had fallen asleep trying to do something for her.

She couldnt possibly wake him.

So, she moved slowly.

Heading outside the quarters. She didnt want to look at those two anymore.

As she headed out, members of the Red Flames recognized her and bowed their heads.

Ner responded to their greetings and noticed the atmosphere had changed.

There were no mercenaries standing guard along the camps border.

Those who would snicker and insult her as White Tail were nowhere to be seen.

The intimidating atmosphere had been completely cleared away.

She knew the reason.

It was because of Berg.

But actually feeling that change was still hard to believe.

There was no falsehood in Bergs promise to protect her.

It was like a weight had been lifted off her heart.

She was no longer afraid, nor was her body tensed.

It wasnt just because the mercenaries who used to mock her had disappeared.

Perhaps it was because, in this place, the strongest person might have been on her side.

After all, she was his wife.

Ner walked through the campsite with a lighter step.

No longer stiff, she didnt just stay in the center as before.

She wandered around places she hadnt seen before, killing time.

It seemed she would have to do this until Berg awoke.


In the afternoon, I attended the meeting.

I had slept for a long time, for the first time in a while.

When I woke up, I was the only one lying on the bed.

Ner and Arwin had both already gone out.

A quick check revealed they were roaming the campsite in a relaxed mood.

I was relieved that they were no longer tense.

That alone made my reckless actions feel worthwhile.

I had no regrets about the fight.


Standing behind Adam Hyung, I scanned the three captains looking at me.

All of them had stiff expressions.

I hadnt anticipated a day would come when even they would look at me with such eyes.

Their guard was definitely up.

None of the vice-captains could attend the meeting.

In a way, it was to be expected.

And Adam Hyung brought up that fact, asking:

Where are the vice-captains?

I knew it was his attempt to steer the negotiations to our advantage.

He seemed unwilling to let this strategic high point slip away carelessly.




When everyone just swallowed their words in silence, Adam Hyung clicked his tongue.

...My apologies. My dongsaeng*no, our vice-captain went a bit too far, didnt he?

He offered an explanation that was not quite an excuse.

As you know, we are humans... we can be brutal at times. But it was a sparring match after all, so I hope you all will be generous in letting it go.

The leader of the Dalsaseum group, Icahn, growled at me.

...Our vice-captain has gone blind in his left eye.

I had no intention of nullifying my actions, even for the sake of my wives.

I said,

Should have left my wives alone, shouldnt they.


Icahn clenched his teeth.

One couldnt hold mercenaries accountable for what happened in a fight.

There were times when mercenaries even died; this was hardly an issue to raise.

But still, Icahn brought this up because it involved a vice-captain.

Not just some replaceable rank-and-file member, but the second in command of a mercenary band.

Yet, I had my justifications.

They had provoked the fight, and I had stepped in for my wives.

The shame of a rightful outcome was not mine to bear.

Adam Hyung lightly mediated the atmosphere.

...Lets calm down, shall we? Its all in the past. However, if compensation is needed, speak to me privately. I will compensate within reasonable and rational terms.

Despite Adam Hyungs words, no one could relax their expression.

Pride wouldnt allow anyone to broach the subject of compensation.

I inwardly admired Hyung and kept a stern face.


Adam Hyung clapped his hands to refresh the mood.

Shall we proceed with the meeting? Any further delay will only add to our fatigue.

The captains nodded one by one.

Adam Hyung took a deep breath at their affirmation.

And then, his demeanor changed.

With a frosty expression set in determination, he made his offer.

...From this point on, the Red Flames will take priority in accepting the requests of the high-ranking nobles.


After the meeting concluded and the captains had vacated their seats, it was clear the negotiations had been successful.

Hyung had managed to secure everything he wanted within reasonable limits.

Concessions were made where necessary, effectively quelling any discontent among the captains.

I was always amazed at times like these.

Without Hyung, our Red Flames wouldnt have grown this significant.

He too rose from his seat with a smile on his face.

Patting my back lightly, he left the room.

I followed in his wake.

Just as we stepped outside, a voice called out beside me.

...Vice-captain Berg.

I looked up and saw Shifre standing there.

Adam Hyung also paused at the sound of her voice.


She called me, yet remained silent for a long moment.

Finally, with a long sigh as if steeling herself, she made her sudden proposition.

...I know this is unexpected but


Become my vice-captain.

My expression creased in a frown.

Ignoring even Adam Hyung, she looked straight at me with her offer.

The disregard for Hyung in her actions was already unsettling to me.

I will give you many things if you come to our mercenary group.


I could even give you the captains position if you want it. I didnt realize you were... this strong. It... makes me want more.

I glanced at Adam Hyung.

He shrugged his shoulders as he looked at me, both of us knowing the decision I would make.

Turning back to Shifre, I said, This is quite sudden.

I know. Thats what I said. But... Ive wanted to do this for a long time.

I had no intention of accepting her offer, but I was curious about her true intentions.

On what basis are you making this offer?


You wanted me before, and it wasnt for my strength.


Skipping that part, I pressed on with my questions to Shifre.

...And what about your current vice-captain, Turo?

Until just moments ago, Turo had been under her foot.

Had there been a conversation with him as well?

But Shifre shook her head.

Then she said, ...If you want, Ill kick out Turo.


I snorted at her ridiculous answer.

I didnt like Turo, but I didnt want to disparage all that he was either.

...Youd cast aside a vice-captain who has dedicated everything to you?

I have ambition. Im prepared to make any sacrifice to get what I want.


Vice-captain Berg. Come to me. You wont regret it

I have something to say, though.

I hadnt planned on reacting so emotionally.

But her words had suddenly touched a raw nerve.

The memory of the rare liar resurfaced in my mind.

I understand now, yet the scars remained.

There was someone who promised to stay by my side forever and then left.

There was her, who spoke of traveling the world together, and then disappeared.

Therefore, I spoke to Shifre.

For the sake of her, who had honestly clashed with her heart.

It was a response to the disgusting words I had just heard.

My emotions began to rise a bit.

.........I hate traitors the most.


As Berg emerged from the meeting place, Ners tail began to wag furiously.

She started to approach Berg, abandoning the Head Hunter unit members who had been guarding her side.


But then he began to engage in a conversation with someone.

A woman who appeared to be a half-mix of dragonian and humans.

She knew that she was the leader of the Arak group.

The mercenary group where that provoking Minotaur vice-captain belonged.

...Become my vice-captain.

Her voice carried over from afar.


Ner felt a flash of anger at that ludicrous statement.

It became more evident as time went on.

Berg was too popular for his own good.

There was no shortage of flies swarming around him.

Continuously, women approached him.

Even in Stockpin, there were many women who fancied him.

And in the Dems village, there was a catwoman drawn to him.

Now added the captain of a mercenary group to that list.

...How many more will fall for him?

They tried to get close without even knowing him properly.

It was even worse because Berg was a human.

Being a person who could take many wives, his popularity makes it all the more...

So Ner clenched her teeth.

She watched them for a moment and then sped up.

Heading towards Bergs empty hand.

She thought of interlocking their fingers and winding her tail around his waist.

It was Berg who asked her to express this kind of affection outside.

She prepared offensive remarks to drive away that woman, along with acts of affection.

Meanwhile, Berg said.

-But, theres something I need to tell you.

His profile became as cold as if she had never seen it before.

That icy expression he never showed her.

The emotions he hid from her, his wife.

That it was directed at another woman made it all the more satisfactory.

.........I hate traitors the most.


But at the continuation of Bergs words, Ners steps froze solid.

Her heart tightened painfully.

Breath would not come for a different reason.


That single word plunged into her chest like a dagger.

Ner stood motionless for a moment, digesting the agony.

During this, Berg became aware of her presence.


And upon seeing her face, that frosty expression melted away.

He offered her the same smile as always.


He called her name with a warm voice.

Only then could Ner move again.

Blinking, swallowing, Ner approached Bergs side with trepidation.



Before Berg could say a word, Ner put her planned scheme into action.

She wrapped her arms around him, interlocking their fingers, winding her tail around his waist.

She intended to chase off that woman with a bit more ferocity...but now, all Ner could feel was the solidity of Berg in her grasp.

Nevertheless, Ner managed to look at the captain of the Arak group with difficulty.

...Do... Dont come near Berg.

Ner said.

Because he is my... my man.

Of all the warnings shed prepared, she couldnt utter a single one.

The End of The Chapter

[ TL: Dongsaeng: It is used to refer to a younger sibling.

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