I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game - C.81: Academy’s Nurse Appearance (3)

I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

C.81: Academy’s Nurse Appearance (3)

Academy's Nurse Appearance (3)

"Student Lee Hoyeon?" The professor from Class B cast a surprised look my way. Apparently, my decision to raise my hand caught her off guard.

"I'd like to participate too." At that moment, Alice, who was standing behind me, decided to join the party by raising her hand.

What's her deal? She's really throwing a wrench into things.

"I want to do it too!" Kim Younghan, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, also raised his hand.

"I'd like to participate!"

"How often do first-year students get a chance to spar with the second-years!"


About one in ten freshmen decided to get in on the action. This wasn't going according to my laid out plan. All I wanted was to stay low-key and avoid drawing attention, but I couldn't exactly tell them to back off just because I wanted to kick that guy's butt.

"Uh it seems we have quite a few volunteers. What should we do?"

"Should we just let them all go at once?"

"Yes? Oh, Professor Park. What do you think?"

The professor who suddenly emerged behind the contemplative female professor was one of the second-year instructors. He scratched his head, looking somewhat annoyed as he assessed the situation.

"Why don't we have them take turns coming out based on their ranking? Let's have everyone in the first round, and those who want to continue can use the additional sparring rings we've set up."

"Ah that doesn't sound bad. But the first-year students haven't taken their exams yet, so we don't have their rankings."

"We can make a reasonable estimate. I'll organize the second-years by rank and go from there."

"Alright, understood."

After a few more words exchanged between the two professors, they reached a conclusion. The rules explained by the female professor were straightforward. One first-year and one second-year student would step up for one-on-one sparring. The loser would leave the sparring area, and the winner would stay. With each grade having over 200 freshmen, they decided to divide us into five teams.

The second-years would determine the teams based on rankings, while we first-years formed teams based on our initial impressions. Naturally, I was in the top tier. I might not have undergone a reevaluation, but I certainly wasn't considered weak.

I had also demonstrated some guts when dealing with Kim Hojin, the weakling. By the way, Do Jinhyuk and his gang were mostly in the top tier as well. They hadn't given me much trouble since that day, which was a relief. People usually had a change of heart when you stood up to them.

"Can I go first?" I sought the approval of the approximately 40 freshmen around me. My intention was to keep a low profile, but I had no clue when that guy would make an appearance.

Well, what can I do? I'll have to take them down one by one until he shows up.

"Go ahead." Alice had a strong presence, even among the top tier of first-year students. Of course, Nam Daeun possessed superior combat skills, but she rarely voiced her opinions.

"It looks like they'll be sending their top student out first. Are you okay with that?" This was Kim Younghan speaking. He naturally ranked high among the top tier. I hadn't paid much attention to him because he's a guy, but he appeared genuinely strong.

"How do you even know that information?"

"There are ways. There are always ways."

"Do you happen to know what rank that senior who looks like a country bumpkin holds?"

"You mean Yoon Hyungyu, the senior? He's ranked 8th. And isn't he in the same student council as you? Do you not know?"

"I'm not particularly interested."

Finally, it was Kim Younghan's turn to take the spotlight in information. It felt so rewarding to see my efforts paying off! I couldn't help but feel proud of him.

"If he's ranked 8th, does that mean I just have to beat the top 8?"

Now that I know he's ranked 8th, it would be great to challenge him directly, don't you think?

"Hey! It's the Saint!"

As I contemplated my next move, I couldn't ignore the words entered into my ear. I swiftly turned my head towards the sourcea stunning woman entering through the auditorium's main entrance. Despite having left the association, she was dressed in office attire. Her long black hair cascading down to her waist, fair skin, and blue eyes captured everyone's attention. Her knee-length skirt and crisp white shirt perfectly matched the office-girl image.

Baek Ahyeong, seemingly overwhelmed by the numerous gazes, turned her head around, and our eyes met. "Aah"

Heroine Status Window

[Baek Ahyeong]

[Affection: 84] (+0.2)

[Lust: 69]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 35]

Current Status: Found him

Baek Ahyeong let out a sigh and began to approach me.

"Um, Saint?!" I sent a clear signal to Ahyeong, urging her not to come closer when I called her "Saint." Perhaps realizing it, she giggled and stepped back.

A professor nearby approached Baek Ahyeong and asked her why she was here. "Oh, I came to prepare for any incidents that might occur during the sparring as the academy nurse's first task."

"Ah, I see. There's a gathering of professors over there. Let's go together."

"No, I'll watch over the students from here."

"Uh, alright." The male professor briefly tried to convince Baek Ahyeong to join him but eventually gave up due to her firm stance and returned. The freshmen continued to cast curious glances at her, but no one dared to approach for a conversation. It seemed like everyone had received Chairman Moon Jaecheol's message through the professors.

It's probably best not to mess with her mood; who knows what could happen. But leaving her alone like that isn't great either. She's in a new workplace, and it might feel awkward not knowing anyone. Maybe I should discreetly go over and start a conversation?

Heroine Status Window

[Baek Ahyeong]

[Affection: 84] (+0.2)

[Lust: 69]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 35]

Current Status: I've made it this far, but when will he come to meet me?

Checking the status screen, it seems I don't need to intervene. Awkwardness? Who cares? She doesn't seem to be bothered by her surroundings at all. Is it really okay? She didn't quit the association in the original story because of me. Quitting because of me, well, that seems a bit far-fetched, doesn't it?

Oh well. If I were going to worry about the original story, I should have worried about it from the beginning. Once I committed to the harem route, it was inevitable that the original story would take some unexpected turns. The important thing is how to adapt and move forward.

"Is the order all set?" Professor Kim Jinhyuk, the judge for the showdown between the top-ranking 1st and 2nd-year students, approached us.

"Hey, wait! Hoyeon, are you going first?" Younghan asked.

"To be honest, as long as I face the 8th place, it doesn't matter much to me."

"Alright then, how about we go by the rankings too? First up is Nam Daeun, followed by Alice. You'll be third"

I didn't really mind, but if Nam Daeun and Alice go all out, it's not just the 8th place that's on the line; they could take down all 40 of them, especially Nam Daeun. She's such a bullshit character. I can't even fathom her strength right now.

"Any objections? We have the top-ranked 1st-year student, the top 1st-year student, and the top pretty boy. Seems like the natural order, right?"

What's with "top pretty boy"? I've taken on a demon and ogres too! Now that I think about it, Younghan seems to be contributing to misrepresenting my image as well.

"Does this affect our grades?" Nam Daeun, who had been quiet until now, approached Professor Kim Jinhyuk and asked.

"It's more of a friendly showdown, so it won't affect your grades."

"Yes, understood."

Seeing her like this, it seems Nam Daeun isn't planning to give it her all. In that case, I'll just have a word with Alice.

"Alice, I really want to face the 2nd-year 8th place, but can you hold off until the 7th place?"

"Why should I?" Her reaction was less than enthusiastic.

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 35]

[Lust: 25]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 40]

Current Status: Recalling the time I had to put on a cute act, begging my father because of this guy Ugh

Interesting, she indulged my request with a bit of aegyo. It'd be quite fascinating to witness someone typically reserved being so adorable.

"Don't tell me you're still sore about that bet?"

"Like I care. Of course not." Alice furrowed her brow at me and backed off. Well, she might act that way, but will she do it?

I don't really care about the rest of the 1st-year order, so I left them to figure it out and watched Nam Daeun's showdown. She faced off against the 2nd-year 1st place in the sparring ring.

"Please go easy on me."


Despite Nam Daeun's tough exterior, she was generally polite in public situations. Aside from that one comment, she didn't say much else.

"Begin!" With Professor Kim Jinhyuk's signal, Nam Daeun sprang into action.

Whoosh! Utilizing her unique skill, Spatial Domination, Nam Daeun manipulated the space around her, accelerating and instantly closing the gap with her opponent. Even though the 2nd-year 1st place tried to retreat as soon as the match started, he couldn't evade Daeun's strike.


While he admirably defended against her rapid attack with his sword, the difference in strength pushed him back several steps.

"If the 2nd-year 1st place is struggling like this" Nam Daeun muttered some incomprehensible words and suddenly raised her hand and said, "I forfeit."

"Hey!" The 2nd-year 1st place, taken aback by Nam Daeun's sudden concession, grabbed her, seemingly wounded in his pride.

"We're ending it already? I haven't even begun!"

"I apologize. It doesn't seem like this would be beneficial for my training."


Wow that must really hurt his pride. It's even sadder that it comes across as polite. It really doesn't seem to help at all.

In the sparring ring, the 2nd-year top-ranked student stared blankly at Nam Daeun, and walked out emotionlessly.

"Alright, due to the 1st-year's forfeit, the winner is 2nd-year Han Seoyul. Please, stay on, and let the next 1st-year contestant come in."

Next is Alice. She also began the duel with a polite greeting.

"She doesn't seem like a 1st-year, does she?"

"Yeah, Nam Daeun is just incredibly strong, but Alice seems even more impressive with her skills and magic use."

"Honestly, her talent and abilities are simply remarkable. She's gifted with a talent that comsumes mana voraciously, and yet, she excels in both swordsmanship and magic. But she has naturally low mana capacity."

The students around evaluated Alice. While most comments seemed positive, there was a hidden truth about Alice that only a select few close to her were aware ofa congenital mana deficiency.

Her mana capacity is significantly lower than that of others. To balance her innate talents in swordsmanship and magic, she has to forcibly replenish her mana, even if it means daily absorption of manastones through expensive equipment. It doesn't truly enhance her mana capacity; it's more of a supplement. It isn't quite like doping, so she has received official permission from Victoria Academy. Of course, if she weren't Iris guildmaster's daughter, that permission might have been questionable, but that's just how the world works.


With every clash of Alice's sword against Han Seoyul's, there was a burst of intense heat.


Although Han Seoyul didn't go down as quickly as Nam Daeun did, he was gradually losing ground. It appeared that he might lose the match soon.

Crash! As Han Seoyul was pushed back and couldn't hold on any longer, he made a desperate charge towards Alice.

Swish! He suddenly surged his mana as he lunged, and his sword multiplied into four, each targeting one of Alice's limbs.

"Block this if you can!"

Observing this seemingly last-ditch move, Alice nonchalantly moved her arms. She intercepted the incoming swords with her own, and tendrils sprouting from the ground caught the ones aimed at her legs. Then, with precise force magic, she deflected the blades away from her body.

"Ugh!" After a brief clash, Han Seoyul was disarmed, and Alice remained standing, triumphant. A flawless victory. As the 2nd-year top-ranked student was soundly defeated, the 2nd-year students hung their heads, while the 1st-year students cheered.

"Senior, I've learned a lot. I'll forfeit." And Alice, she conceded.


"What did you say?"

Han Seoyul, who had initially worn an expression of I lost, but I fought valiantly,' was taken aback, and Kim Jinhyuk asked again as if he misheard.

"Indeed, Senior is different. I've learned a lot from you. I concede." Alice confidently bowed, showing proper respect.

Why is she behaving like this?

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 35]

[Lust: 25]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 40]

Current Status: If he's really that strong; it's worth testing.

"Ah, she wants to test me."

It's evident that she intended to assess my skills next. I don't mind. The more real-world experience, the better. Plus, it's a chance to shed the label of being weak.

If she wants to see, I'll show her my full strength. I confidently stepped into the sparring ring. In front of me stood the 2nd-year top-ranked student, his face contorted with anger.

"What the hell did you do to make me lose like this!"

What? No, I haven't done anything to him.

"Senior, please take care of me."

"This time, I'll win." Han Seoyul swallowed his anger.

What on earth had this person done to warrant losing to a junior twice already, with a third defeat seemingly imminent? It was the first time I began to feel a bit sorry for the 2nd-year student.

