I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game - C.75: Magic Analysis R18 (1)


Magical Analysis R18 (1)

As if it was answering my curiosity, the system window popped up.

[If the player wishes and the woman has an affection level of 50 or higher, the woman will be included in the Heroine Capture System, and the Heroine Status Window will be displayed.]


Now, this is awesome!

"What's with the wow'? Order some chicken already." Liliana pursed her lips and gave the TV screen a glance.

Chicken can wait. My Liliana just became a heroine. It's time to celebrate!

"Liliana~" I settled down next to her, using my softest voice. How do you comfort a succubus, you ask? Well, in a world with succubi, the answer is obviousit's time for sex!

"Why are you like this? I'm hungry, you know."

"Pre-meal exercise is essential. Otherwise, digestion won't work."

"Why are you getting me into pre-meal exercises now?! Mmmph!" I kissed Liliana, who had been pouting and throwing a mini-tantrum.

"Chrrp Mmh. Hmph" Liliana, no longer feigning reluctance, met my advances by sensually sucking on my tongue.

"Haah Liliana, you're the best. I've been thinking about you so much, and it's been tough."

"Lies Master, you were playing with other women."

"But your body is the best." This was the truth. The succubus's unique soft female body and the sex to extract a man's essence were Liliana's specialties.

While pushing Liliana's body, I lay down on the sofa. I took off my sweatpants and continued kissing, fondling her chest.

"Hmmh Lies I won't believe you Haah."

"No, look at this." I took Liliana's hand and guided it to my aroused penis, standing proudly like an enticing tower.

"You'd just do it with any woman."

"But Liliana is more special."

Our tongues danced in a sensual kiss as we proceeded to undress each other, quickly becoming naked. The warmth and softness of Liliana's body heightened the anticipation.

"Umm Haa Haa!" Our kisses intensified, my hand teasing her nipples while the other played with her clit. True to her succubus nature, Liliana responded eagerly, pressing herself weight against me.

"Haa Do you like it? It's even wetter than before, the sofa might get wet."

"Sorry I can't control myself"

"It can't be helped." I slipped my hand into Liliana's panties, finding her already drenched and ready.

"Actually, I've been looking forward to this from earlier, and hoping you'd take the initiative." Liliana avoided eye contact, her gaze a mixture of desire and anticipation.

"Is that so" I got up from the sofa and brought my penis to her face. "Suck it. I'm going to train you now."

"Yes Chuup Haa"

In the end, if she couldn't resist my arousal, why put up a pretense?

"Hmm Haa!"

I plunged my hardened shaft right into Liliana's eager pussy. "Liliana, your attitude You've really been naughty with your master."

"Sorry Ugh Aah!"

I worked my hips, targeting her sweet spot. The lustful succubus's desire wrapped around my throbbing penis, and we continued our passionate escapade well into the night.


"Good morning~ Ding ding ding, good morning~ Bap bap bap, bap bap bap bap, good morning~"

"What the heck is this alarm?" I groaned as I silenced my smartwatch. What time did I go to bed last night? My memory's a bit fuzzy.

I kicked off my day by rousing my still-sleepy brain with a glass of cold water and some stretching exercises. Last night, I had quite the enlightening session with Liliana, keeping her up late.

I wonder when she'll finally mature

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 85] (+0.1)

[Lust: 74]

[Appetite: 20]

[Fatigue: 25]

Current Status: Zzz


Liliana's affection level seemed to be on the rise. Thinking about it in simple terms, it felt like I was recruiting women with a certain level of affection as heroines. I sort of grasped that much, but

So, how many do I have to get? He disappeared without telling me the most crucial part. Should I charm as many as possible?

In gaming terms, it's kind of like achieving an extra achievement. I don't know the exact details yet, so for now, it's probably best to charm all the women I can.

After a quick wash to clear my head, I wrapped up my morning routine with a refreshing shower.

Today, we're back to regular classes after a long break. Originally, we were supposed to have self-study time before exams, but due to a sudden school closure, we're back in the classroom. Today's schedule includes Magical Analysis and Modern Hunter Studies.

Magical Analysis dives into magic circles and breaking down barriers, while Modern Hunter Studies is a general education course for modern-day hunters, covering dungeon exploration, monster research, and more. Both subjects require heaps of memorization and can be quite difficult, so the chorus of student complaints will likely be deafening. But not for me. I'm just here for the fun.

I slipped into my school uniform and headed outside. I checked the price of the first edition of Tower of the Hawk that I listed on my smartwatch yesterday.

[This seems suspicious. It's got a high credit rating, but not a single transaction.]

[Yeah, looks like a scam. They should do something about it.]

"Hmm, these folks are still quite suspicious"

Why are people so prone to suspicion? Well, it's not always a bad thing, but it can be quite bothersome.

I pulled out the Tower of the Hawk first edition from my bag and snapped pictures of it from various angles. After meticulously capturing the inside, including the issue date and signature, I canceled the listing and put it back up for auction.

This should look convincing enough.

"Hey, long time no see?" Suddenly, a guy's voice came from beside me.

"Huh? Oh, Kim Yeonghan?"

"Why the surprised reaction? Like you've seen a ghost."

"Nah It's just been ages."

Where has he been hiding all this time? Well, regardless, it's good to catch up.

"Just had a lot of work. And of course, not just you."

"Well, can't blame you"

Among the new students, I'm probably the one who's seen the most action. Dealing with incidents day in and day out isn't a walk in the park. But it's earned me a bit of a reputation. As I walk by, I often catch snippets of people talking about me. Whether it's praise or teasing, I'm never quite sure.

As Kim Yeonghan and I chatted, we made our way to the first-year classroom.

"I heard there's been a surge in mindless terrorism lately. Makes me wonder if something big's on the horizon."

"Yeah, it's true."

It looks like the original villains, the Pandemic, are gearing up for action. After midterm exams, there will be more trouble at the academy. But until then, let's enjoy the peace.

We reached Class A after our chat and returned to our respective groups of friends. Lucy and Lumi hadn't arrived yet, so their seats were empty. I took my usual spot behind them.

I checked the auction on my smartwatch again, and within 30 minutes, the bids had shot up to 80 million won.

[I asked some experts, and it seems unlikely it's been tampered with. Looks like the real deal.]

[Seriously? Jang Yangsan's fans must be going wild today.]

"Oh That's quite a reaction."

Indeed, it's a book by Jang Yangsan.

"Hey, Hoyeon!"

"Hello, Hoyeon."

"Yeah, hi."

Lucy and Lumi greeted me with their typical friendliness, yet Lumi chose a different spot. She dropped her bag right next to me.

"Oh, Lumi?"


"You're sitting here?"

"Yes, I don't really understand Magical Analysis, so I want to learn from you, Hoyeon."

"Hmm, okay."

Lumi began taking out her books with a sincere smile.

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 89]

[Lust: 51]

[Appetite: 20]

[Fatigue: 30]

Current Status: What will I learn in today's class?

It's clear that she harbored genuinely pure thoughts. I had previously suspected otherwise, but it seems I was mistaken. Not everyone conceals their real intentions with the finesse that I do.

"Then I'll sit here too. I missed the last class, so I could use a bit of catching up." Lucy also decided to take the empty seat to my left.


Somehow, there seemed to be an awkward atmosphere between Lucy and Lumi.

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 88]

[Lust: 40]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 35]

Current Status: When did they become so close like that?

Both Lucy and Lumi, after a few days of not interacting, I noticed their affection levels dropping again. It was probably because the initial increase happened so quickly. I should put in more consistent efforts to maintain their affection.

But Lucy She couldn't possibly be feeling threatened by Lumi and me getting closer, right? That's not her personality.

My thoughts were interrupted by rustling noises as the Magical Analysis professor walked into the classroom.

"Hello, everyone! It's a beautiful Monday," the professor greeted and promptly distributed printed materials to us. "I have an important announcement about the upcoming midterm exam. It's going to focus on magic circles and reverse engineering of barriers, so make sure to study and prepare thoroughly."

I swiftly glanced through the handout and tucked it away in my bag. I'll need to research relevant papers and materials once I'm back home.


"Okay, so! These magic circles we've been talking about can be represented using these formulas, according to Bohr's Law."

The class was tough. Even for someone like me who had read over a few dozen papers and several books, there were occasional words I didn't understand. I wondered what it felt like for the students who weren't as well-versed in the theory

"Hey, Hoyeon. What was that just now?"

"Bohr's Law states that all magic circles with three or more strokes have magic acceleration. To put it simply, think of it like a car running"

I was giving Lucy and Lumi some additional explanations while listening to the lecture. Despite appearances, I was sharp when it came to theory, thanks to the special perk. 𝔣𝖗𝔢𝔢𝔴𝖊𝖇𝖓𝔬𝔳𝖊𝔩.𝔠𝔬𝖒

"Oh, wow You're really smart, aren't you?!"

"Just a bit." Receiving compliments from a pretty girl, no matter how many times, felt good.

"Now, based on the content we've covered so far, we'll proceed with a practical exercise. Let's see Can I have two students assist me?"

All the students hesitated, looking like they were somewhat coerced into it. They really didn't want to make eye contact with the professor. I, too, discreetly glanced at my book, avoiding eye contact with the professor. It wasn't about a lack of confidence, but rather not wanting to draw unnecessary attention and potentially hear something unwanted. I could prove my skills during the midterm exam.

"No one seems eager to make eye contact with me. In that case Alice, please step forward."

This was why being at the top was tough. Even if you worked hard, all they did was summon you for every little thing. Suddenly, it reminded me of the system in the military where the guys who goofed off kept goofing off while the ones who worked kept working, and I felt like I might get PTSD.

"Next Lee Hoyeon?"


I mean, I'd been pretending to nod and take notes so diligently but

"I heard you explaining it to your friends earlier, and they seemed to grasp it quite well, so you should do fine."

I got caught. Damn it! I reluctantly got up and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Hello, Alice."

"Yeah, nice to see you again."

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 37]

[Lust: 25]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 40]

Current Status: In magic circle reversal, I can win every time.

Alice's eyes sparkled with determination as she stood before me. It appeared that her previous loss to me in the written exam still bothered her. I had assumed she didn't care Maybe it had just occurred to her now that class was in session.

"All right, you two will face each other, make eye contact, and draw magic circles. The first one to break the opponent's circle and activate their own wins."

We exchanged glances while the professor continued with additional explanations for the students. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on Alice.

To conquer Alice, I needed to outshine her in exams first. The plan couldn't move forward until that happened. Provoking a hint of jealousy in her was the initial step in winning her heart. Luckily, she appeared to be slightly envious of me, and I possessed the means to influence her at this moment.

"Hey, Alice, how about a little bet?"

"What?" She gave me a quizzical look as I brought up the idea seemingly out of nowhere.

"What if we bet on who can correctly manifest the magic circle first?"

"I don't want to waste my energy on unnecessary things."

Alice's no-nonsense attitude was consistent. But I had a tempting reward in mind.

"You're familiar with Jang Yangsan's Tower of the Hawk, right? You know there's a first edition with a personal signature up for auction on the site, don't you?"

"Of course, I do. Many people are after it."

Alice was indeed interested in that field. I activated my smartwatch and displayed my auction status to her.

"What's this huh?!"

"If you win the bet, I'll give it to you."

Alice was surprised twice, first by discovering that I was the seller and second by my promise to give it to her if she won.

"Where on earth did you get it?"

"I'll spill all the details if you win. So, are you up for the bet?"

"What will you ask for if I win?"

"Grant me one wish."


"Don't give me that look of disdain. I won't use it for any strange purposes. I just want a favor from your guild."

Her disgusted expression stung a bit.

Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 37]

[Lust: 25]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 40]

Current Status: I don't know why he's so confident, but I can definitely win this.

Alice was a genius in magic circles, considered the best in the world. In contrast, I hadn't demonstrated any abilities related to it.

"I don't know what's going through your mind but alright. Let's make the bet." With that, Alice confidently accepted the challenge.


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