I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game - C.29:


The Plan (3) 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝔴𝖊𝖇𝔫𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝖈𝖔𝖒

Well, well, look who’s back.

The new club member Lucy introduced was too familiar to me. He was a demon I’ve slaughtered countless times in the game.


He’s a loony demon who’s head over heels for Lucy and sneaked into Victoria Academy. One might think he’s just a hopeless romantic, but he’s actually a rotten scumbag with some twisted desires to violate and murder Lucy.

At first, I thought of getting rid of him as quickly as possible, but then a better idea struck me.

I can use this bastard in my plan.

In the game, Lucy gets kidnapped at one point, and that leads to a bad ending. There’s no event where she can be rescued once it happens.

All the protagonist can do is reveal Felix’s true demon identity to Lucy before any kidnapping happens, once they become somewhat friendly.

But here in reality, I can control and intervene the flow of events to my advantage quite nicely.

“Oh, right! I’m planning to recruit a new member this time, and I called you to ask for your opinion. What do you think? Doesn’t he seem nice?”

Lucy’s all bright and cheerful, making it clear they’re not total strangers and have gotten somewhat close.

It’s okay. This should make things easier.

“I don’t like him.”

I said that with a smirk, and the club room fell into silence. Lucy and Lumi looked baffled by my sudden action.

Time to add a little more to it, keeping a deadpan expression.

“You look like you’re only interested in Lucy and Lumi. Your act is pretty transparent.”

Lucy and Lumi might not have caught on, but I’ve been watching him the whole time.

Felix looked momentarily surprised by my words, but he quickly got up and mumbled, “S-Sorry… I didn’t know you’d despise me this much. I was being naive… I’ll just leave now!”


Felix made a dramatic exit, shedding tears and storming out of the club room. I watched the scene without a hint of emotion.

He’s quite the actor. Someone watching would actually believe he’s running away, heartbroken from being rejected. Quite the convincing performance.

“You… What are you doing?!”

Just like Lucy now. She stood there, observing the situation, and only after Felix made his grand exit, she turned to me with a critical look as if she’d snapped out of a trance.

“Why, why did you do that? Even if you hate him because you think he’s got some hidden motive for joining us, couldn’t you at least be polite? Why…?!”

Lucy was pouring out her words as if she couldn’t wrap her head around it.

Well, objectively speaking, I am indeed a jerk. To Lucy, it probably looks like I’m kicking out some innocent guy. But even considering that, her reaction is way more aggressive than I imagined.

I glanced around.

My Mana Sensitivity kicked in.

There’s an unfamiliar mana presence nearby.

It was coming from the flower vase on the desk. There, the filthy and crude mana of a demon was seeping out.

Looks like he put some weak magic on it.

Strong magic would’ve been detected by Lucy and Lumi too, so he must’ve cast a minor spell to mess with their emotions a bit. At their level, detecting such weak magic is tough.

Yanking the flower vase away all of a sudden would raise suspicions, and the more worked up Lucy got, the more it’d play into Felix’s hands.

So, I decided to let it be and responded nonchalantly, “What are you going on about?! Can’t you see? That guy came here with one intention—to mess with you and Lumi. It’s clear as day!”

As if I could let Felix get the upper hand. I had to give it my all, acting all frustrated.

“You of all people… You’re unbelievable! Do you seriously believe that? Worried that some other guy might ruin with your own little agenda?!”


What’s with the accusatory tone?

I don’t have a clue what she’s trying to insinuate, but it looks like Felix has done his groundwork well. He’s quite skilled at spreading rumors and lies, just like in the original story.

Messing with the protagonist’s reputation in every twisted way is his expertise.

This time, did he cook up some gossip that I’m hitting on girls? Well, he’s not entirely wrong but, quite the sharp eyes he’s got, huh?

“I have no idea what twisted crap you’ve been hearing. I just got rid of a sleazy pervert, that’s all.”

“You really…! Lumi, do you think the same?”

“Huh? Um…”

“Lumi, I’m asking if you also think Felix is a pervert.”

“Umm… I don’t know…”

Lumi’s giving me the look, and I sense trouble brewing. Continuing this conversation would be risky.

Right now, Lumi’s affection towards me is quite high, and if she decides to back my side, my carefully crafted plan will go down the drain.

I’d better put an end to this before it goes south.

So, I swiftly made a decision and spoke before Lumi could open her mouth again, “I’m doing this for you, and I get nothing but grief. It pisses me off.”

“What?! Why are you getting upset again? Do you even have the right to say that?! Because of you, no one wants to join our club, even the decent one who came by…”

“That’s enough. I’m leaving.”

I put on a good show of being irritated, grabbed my stuff, and slammed the club room door shut as I made my exit. Lucy was still yelling like a madwoman, but I paid no mind and walked away.

But seriously, what’s this crap about no one wanting to join because of me? Looks like I’ve got some investigating to do.

My head’s starting to ache from all this.


“Haah, it’s exhausting…”

Playing the bad guy is seriously draining. But everything is going according to plan.

Lucy getting kidnapped by Felix is the foundation of this plan. However, the devil’s in the details.

There are two different scenarios—one where neither Lucy nor I suspects Felix, then I rescue her after the kidnapping, and the other where I distrust Felix, but Lucy supports him, leading to conflict between us, then I come to the rescue. The latter will definitely have a bigger impact.

“Is this what they call suspension bridge effect or something?”

Anyway, it’s about time for Lumi to contact me…


Lumi: Hoyeon… Lucy is causing a fuss, saying she’ll kick you out of the club and put Felix in. Please come and make up with her. T_T ??

Me: Lumi, just stay calm and keep pretending to support Lucy for now.

Lumi: Can that really work…?

Me: Yeah. I have a plan in mind, so it’ll be fine.

As expected, Lucy’s reaction was on point, and so was Lumi’s.

They can’t just kick me out anyway.

Before heading back to the dorm, I stopped by the general club department to see if there were any issues with our club. Turns out, that idiot club president must have played a prank again.

Our club wasn’t listed, and even the club promotions on EveryDay skipped us. Soorin Noona probably fired him, but why does it keep happening?

Anyway, I’ll deal with that later. I need to meet Felix and coordinate with him and figure out when the kidnapping will happen.


Friday. Next morning.

After finishing the morning theory class, there are no more classes in the afternoon.

My morning routine has become second nature by now.

I woke up under the not-so-pleasant morning sunlight.

Since I took a shower before bed, I just wrapped my hair up and quickly washed my face. Then, I grabbed the neatly pressed school uniform that I had hung on the hanger.


? Grade: Low

? The hanger is infused with a processed magic stone and contains a cleaning spell.

? When clothes are hung on the hanger, they automatically become clean.


The hanger was unnecessarily high-tech, taking care of everything from ironing to washing and removing stains, just by hanging the clothes on it.

I put on the clean school uniform and headed out of the dormitory.

I need to finish the theory class quickly and head to Class B. After all, Felix is in Class B.

On the way, I didn’t bump into Kim Yeonghan, so I entered Class A alone.

Lucy and Lumi should be sitting in their usual seats…

“Hmm, they’re not there?”

Scanning the classroom, I spotted Lucy and Lumi taking the last two available seats in the corner.

Well, I had a feeling it would be like this, so I can’t really complain.

It’s a bummer I can’t listen on cute girls during class, but as an alternative, I decided to sit next to Kim Yeonghan.


“Huh? Yeah. Good morning. Aren’t you going to sit near Lucy and Lumi?”

“There’s no rule saying we have to sit together every day. We just sit together occasionally.”

“Did you guys have a fight?”

This blondie can read people too well for his own good.

“Lucy’s got a strong sense of pride, so just go and apologize to her. She’ll forgive you quickly. If you start playing pride games with that type, there’s no end to it.”

What’s with this advice that actually makes sense?

“Thanks for the advice.”

Coming from him, it’s probably the right thing to do. In other words, if I do the opposite of what he suggested, it means things will get worse between me and Lucy.

While I was observing Lucy, who was chatting with her friend, she felt my gaze and turned to look at me.


“Her mouth clearly said ‘hmph’…”

She turned her head blatantly, showing that she’s mad, but it didn’t seem too serious yet. Apologizing should be enough to smooth things over.

But this won’t do. She needs to be really angry and despise me. That way, when I save her, it’ll be even more touching.

Well, if I go find Felix, I’m sure Lucy will react again.


After classes were over. Without giving any attention to Lucy and Lumi, I headed towards Class B.

In Class B, I spotted students doing some clean-up as the classes had just ended. Among them, I approached a boy with striking platinum-blonde hair and a small build.

“Hey, Felix.”


“Come with me for a moment.”

“Why, why are you doing this?! I have nothing to say…”

Felix intentionally raised his voice, drawing attention from those around us. Some people glanced our way after hearing the commotion.

This guy is sharp.

But, truth be told, this is exactly what I wanted. The more people notice, the quicker the news will reach Lucy’s ears. It’d be even better if rumors spread that I forcefully dragged him away.

That way, Lucy will side with Felix, and she’ll hate me even more.

For now, I have to take Felix, so I brought my face close to his ear discreetly.

“Listen, I know you’re a demon, so you’d better hurry up and come with me. Otherwise, I’ll expose your ass right here, right now.”


Felix’s eyes widened.

“I don’t plan on exposing you. Just don’t overthink it and quietly follow me.”

Felix clenched his lips and then, with a determined look, stood up from his seat.

I gave a subtle smile and left the classroom.

Behind the first-year classrooms was a pathway for walking.

There was no one around at the moment.

Instead of taking the path, I slipped into the bushes on the side.

Rustle, rustle.

I could hear Felix following behind me.

After a while, I stopped in an open area with some space.

“What do you want…?”

Felix spoke cautiously, keeping an eye on his surroundings.

Well, it’s natural to be startled. He knew I was aware of his identity as a demon, yet I dared to approach and have a private conversation like this.

“Lighten up a bit, will you?”

I released mana from my hand. Not the pure and clean kind, but a dirtier and cruder version typical of a demon’s mana.

After seeing the spell on the flower vase in the club room, I could easily replicate it. A destructive and impulsive way of using mana. That’s what I needed.

“Don’t tell me… you’re a demon too?”

“Yeah, and I had my eye on her first, but you intervened.”

“I won’t give Lucy to anybody no matter what…”

Felix displayed hostility towards me as he raised his mana.

This bastard must think he’s some kind of knight protecting a princess or something.

“Hey, relax. I’m not looking for a fight. I just came to ask you for a favor.”

“A favor?”

At the mention of a favor, Felix lowered the mana he had gathered.

“I just want to help you with whatever you’re planning. In return, let me have some fun with her too. I don’t mind being second after you’re done. What do you think?”

I never planned to lie about being a demon, but no matter how I thought about it, this approach seemed better.

To join the kidnapping plan, I had to reveal that Felix was a demon, but if a human said such a thing, it would raise too much suspicion.

Trash goes well with trash after all.

Felix was contemplating my words. It seemed like he was weighing whether accepting my offer was beneficial or killing me right here was better.

“Anyway Felix, aren’t you planning on escaping after having your fun too? I’ll be the lookout while you indulge yourself. I’ll also give you time to escape. It’s a win-win deal, don’t you think?”

“That’s what you claim. But how can I trust you? There’s no guarantee you won’t stab me in the back.”

“If it comes to that, you can deal with me. Not confident?”


Honestly, I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow when I faced Felix. This guy is way stronger than he was in the original game. Whatever the hell caused this change, I have a feeling I’d be the one eating dirt if we went head-to-head.

“Fine. Well, I suppose I can spare you the leftover crumbs after I’ve had my little joyride with her.”

Luckily, thanks to the power gap, Felix eventually swallowed my offer.

“I’ll decide when to pull off the plan at the most opportune time. I’ll give you a means of communication. Use it to reach out to me.”


A round, spherical magical device fell at my feet.

“See you around, then.”

Felix left those parting words and scanned the surroundings before making his way back to the walking path.

Left alone, I clenched the magical device in my hand and suppressed my fury.

Was it because he assumed we were both demons that his guard was down enough to hand me this communication tool?

Things were going smoothly, but…

His words, reducing Lucy to some pleasure toy, really pushed my buttons. I could only listen, but it sure ticked me off.

One would think I was already playing the devoted boyfriend with Lucy.

Well, who am I kidding? I’m just as much of a jerk. It’s all part of my charming personality, I suppose.

“That bastard. I’m going to make him pay.”

Over the weekend, I’ve got to figure out a way to kill Felix.


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