Clan Leader: My strength equals to that of the entire clan - C.284 - 7 Chaos Sect, I, Ye Fan, am at odds with you_2

Clan Leader: My strength equals to that of the entire clan

C.284 - 7 Chaos Sect, I, Ye Fan, am at odds with you_2

Chapter 284: Chapter 7 Chaos Sect, I, Ye Fan, am at odds with you_2

Translator: 549690339

The demonic seeds radiated from Red Cloud Demon Ancestor’s hands.

These demonic seeds were developed by the Gate of Life and Death, following the rules within the Divine Demon Battlefield.

The number of creatures within the Divine Demon Battlefield ultimately had its limits, and the members of the Chaos Church were far from satisfied.

They aimed to resurrect the Divine Demon, but their manpower alone was nowhere near enough.

But with these demonic seeds, they could spread them across the Three Thousand Realms.

If these demonic seeds didn’t outbreak, even the Taoist Ancestors would hardly detect their existence.

But once they broke out, it would be incredibly tough to recover. Eventually, they would turn into a chaos demon under the control of the Chaos Church.

A large number of spies from the Gate of Life and Death and Yin and Yang Door began quietly sowing these demonic seeds, unbeknownst to anyone.

Under everyone’s radar, the Chaos Church was advancing its grand scheme.

Days went by, and while Ye Fan was in seclusion, the three thousand realms carried on as usual, seemingly unaffected by the emergence of the Chaos Church.

At this time, an ordinary cultivator in certain worlds began to go mad suddenly. He was enveloped in a black aura, turning into a monster.

This monster began to viciously attack other cultivators, and quickly, some cultivators were inadvertently hurt by the monster.

With the monster’s attacks, some of the black aura infiltrated into the other cultivators.

The monster was quickly killed, but since the cause was unknown, the matter was dropped.

But soon, new monsters appeared.

Those cultivators who were attacked by the monsters also quickly mutated, becoming new chaos demons and started attacking other cultivators.

The number of chaos demons increased continuously. Owing to the unknown contagious nature, many times the situation ended with simply killing the monsters.

In this way, the number of chaos demons continued to grow. Even many smaller Thousand Worlds and Middle Thousand Worlds, and even Grand Thousand Worlds, turned into pandemonium for chaos demons, with all other creatures dying out.

By the time the Taoist Ancestors found out, it was already too late.

Even for a Taoist Ancestor, it would be tough to determine whether or not a human clan cultivator had been infected.

Only when an outbreak occurred could they detect it.

They could not just kill all cultivators for a mere possibility, could they?

By the time they wanted to control the situation, it had already spiraled out of control.

“The Chaos Church, damn it!”

Watching the countless wailing cultivators from various clans, even those powerful cultivators at the Taoist Ancestor level, could not help but feel a hint of reluctance.

As the chaos aura from behind became weaker, the time it took for the creatures to transform into chaos demons got longer and longer.

And this process of transformation was the most painful.

The friends and family of these cultivators could only watch helplessly as they transformed into chaos demons, which was incredibly painful for them.

Bodhi Old Ancestor watched as a human cultivator in front of him slowly lost his mind and transformed into a chaos demon, and he felt a sense of helplessness.

Indeed, he could cleanse the chaos aura and stop the person in front of him from transforming into a chaos demon.

But he was just one person, how many could he save?

And most of the other Taoist Ancestors couldn’t even stop the transformation.

“Let the people of the Three Thousand Realms try to control it. I will try my best to find a solution.”

Hearing Bodhi Old Ancestor’s words, the other Taoist Ancestors silently nodded.

Now they could only hope that Bodhi Old Ancestor found a solution quickly!

If even Bodhi Old Ancestor was at a loss, they were even more helpless.

In the Chang Ming Realm, Ye Xiaoxiao also looked on angrily as a soldier transformed into a chaos demon.

Compared to other Grand Thousand Worlds, the number of Chaos Demons in the Chang Ming Realm was even greater.

After all, they had the special attention of a Demon Clan. As a result, even Ye Xiaoxiao couldn’t stop it.

Ye Xiaoxiao was convinced that someone was sabotaging them in secret, but she couldn’t find the person, which left her feeling somewhat powerless.

The main problem was that Ye Fan was still in retreat, which made the Ye Family feel like a dragon without a head.

“Take him away, don’t harm him, lock him up for now.”

Even though she couldn’t stop it, Ye Xiaoxiao wasn’t willing to give up on the soldier.

Who knows, perhaps they could find a solution in the future!

Before total despair set in, Ye Xiaoxiao was not going to give up on anyone.

And the ones being infected were not solely the soldiers of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty.

More often, they were ordinary cultivators.

Currently, one-third of the Changming World has been fully occupied as territories of the Chaos Demons.

Ye Xiaoxiao had dispatched all the troops from the Star Army to form a defensive circle, protecting the remaining territories.

However, this solution was only a superficial one, as Chaos Demons still sprouted within the defensive circle, which would eventually be breached one day.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked up at the starry sky, silently praying in her heart, “Big brother, please come back soon!”

On the other side was Yanhuang Realm.

The Yanhuang Realm was extraordinarily peaceful, because it was completely controlled by the Ye Family, with hardly any foreign cultivators.

During the outbreak of the Chaos Demons, Yanhuang Realm immediately shut down any external passages, consequently turning Yanhuang Realm into a rare sanctuary.

Within the Original Principle of the Ye Family territory.

At this moment, the aura on Ye Fan finally reached the summit and then calmed entirely down.

Ye Fan’s cultivation level startlingly reached the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor.

With Ye Fan’s foundation, breaking through to the Emperor Realm had absolutely no difficulty.

Also, there were no fluctuations or waves, it was a very smooth breakthrough.

A significant amount of time was actually spent on solidifying the cultivation level.

“Finally broke through.”

Ye Fan exhaled a breath of relief lightly!

While Ye Fan could barely resist the weakest Taoist Ancestor at the Immortal Monarch Realm, now, he could probably deal with an ordinary Taoist Ancestor without any difficulty.

Blasting through to the Immortal Emperor Realm, Ye Fan could effortlessly crush his past self. This was the benefit of a realm breakthrough.

A realm is always the best standard to judge a cultivator’s strength.

Each breakthrough followed by a hundred years of seclusion made Ye Fan miss his people from the Ye Family.

His cultivation level has been consolidated, and Ye Fan no longer needed to continue cultivating in seclusion.

At the idea, he appeared within the Ye Family’s area.

Suppose Ye Fan was not present, the person naturally responsible for hosting the family assembly was Su Yan.

“Jin Hai, you and Jin Tian need to dispatch some people to support your aunt.”

“As for Jin Feng, your mission is to research elixirs, even if they can’t fully eliminate the Demonic Qi of chaos, they should at least be able to suppress it.”

The Ye Family’s cultivators have unprecedented unity. When the Dayu Immortal Dynasty is in trouble, the other branches lend their aid without hesitation.

Ye Fan appeared silently, yet no one noticed.

Listening to the assembly’s content, Ye Fan’s brows gradually furrowed.

Chaos Demons, Demonic Qi…What big event occurred during my hundred years of seclusion?

However, Ye Fan swiftly understood the current situation.

Ye Fan’s divine sense instantaneously covered the whole Yanhuang realm, and after discovering no serious problems, he heaved a sigh of relief.

However, when he caught sight of the events in the Changming Realm, Ye Fan’s fist clenched gradually. 𝗳𝗿𝖊𝖊𝖜𝖊𝖇𝗻𝐨𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝗰𝐨𝗺

One by one, families shattered, countless cultivators were forced to watch their friends and relatives turn into Chaos Demons, some even had to take action with their own hands.

A husband, in protecting his wife, got injured by a Chaos Demon, then, to prevent himself from becoming a Chaos Demon and hurting his wife, he rushed into the wilderness.

One scene after another, even Ye Fan’s heart of steel couldn’t help but be agitated.

Ye Fan was not the holy mother; he only cared about the people of the Ye Family.

However, these people are also subjects of the Ye Family. As the Family Head of the Ye Family, Ye Fan has the responsibility to protect them.

Unconsciously, two of the great thousand worlds have already become territories of the Ye Family.

The people within these two great thousand worlds, from birth to death, are closely related to the Ye Family.

Ye Fan, in a rare silence, was very furious yet unable to vent.

Some pain, yet he didn’t know how to resolve it.

My subjects can’t be humiliated like this. Period!

Chaos Sect, huh? I, Ye Fan, have tangled with you now.

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freewe(b)nov𝒆l

